February 12th: The Obstacles to its Acquirement
What makes it so difficult for us to do the will
of God from day to day? It is mainly because we
are not fully convinced that all true happiness is to
be found in God and God alone. We go on trying
to attain to happiness by doing our own will, even
when we are conscious that it is opposed to the will
of God. Yet we know by experience that all
attempts to be happy without God prove miserable
failures in the end. Another obstacle is our inordinate love of our own will. It is one of the consequences of free will, in our fallen state, that a certain satisfaction is found in the mere arbitrary exercise of it. It is only when we have learned the joy, without bound or limit, that is to be found in doing the holy will of God that we are willing to forego the indulgence of our own will in order to put the will of God in its place. Then God's will becomes ours, or rather our own will disappears, swallowed up in the Infinite Will of God. Yet there is another obstacle consisting in the pain and suffering which are, from time to time, sure to accompany a faithful performance of the will of God. He permits this for the greater glory of His elect. Now pain and suffering are naturally very distasteful to us. We shrink from them instinctively. We require a very strong motive to enable us to face them. Nothing can counteract them save a strong fear and love of God. This then must be my prayer: "Pierce through my flesh with Thy fear. Grant, O Lord, that I may love Thee ever more and more."
Music: The Shepherds' Farewell
from L' Enfance du Christ Op. 25 by Hector Berlioz
1. Thou must leave Thy lowly dwelling,
The humble crib, the stable bare. Babe, all mortal babes excelling, Content our earthly lot to share. Loving father, Loving mother, Shelter Thee with tender care! 2. Blessed Jesus, we implore Thee With humble love and holy fear. In the land that lies before Thee, Forget not us who linger here! May the shepherd's lowly calling, Ever to Thy heart be dear! 3. Blest are ye beyond all measure, Thou happy father, mother mild! Guard ye well your heav'nly treasure, The Prince of Peace, The Holy Child! God go with you, God protect you, Guide you safely through the wild! |